Currently accepting 3 new patients per day.

Working with Me

What to Expect & my services

The Process

Get on the Same Page

Free Consultation

Let's see if we're a good fit for each other. You'll tell me a bit about what's going on, and I'll answer any questions you have.

Once we're on the same page, we'll get your first appointment booked and I'll send you intake forms to fill out. I will then prepare a tentative plan for you based on what you send me, which will be our starting point to refine as we progress on your journey.

Explore Your Story

2 Appointments

During our first appointment, you'll finally tell me your story! We'll get a good understanding of where you've been, where you're at, and where you want to go.

This is when I'll assess your starting point with me, which might include lab tests and physical examinations. We'll figure out the best options for you to accomplish your goals. I'll refine your plan to reflect what we discuss, and we'll see how it's working for you during our 2nd appointment.

Your Hero's Journey

2+ Appointments

This is when you'll decide if you can achieve your goals with the help of Dr. Google and my resources, or if you'd like to start transformational 1:1 appointments with me.

Regularly meeting with me will ensure that we keep making progress. These will be quick check-ins and/or longer appointments with in-person treatments depending on your needs.

We'll systematically work through your pillars of health with the best tools for you. This will include education, mind-body medicine, and more.

Write Your Next Chapter

Maintenance Check-Ups

My goal is to arm you with tools and the confidence to keep you going for life. By this stage, we will have either accomplished your goals, or you've determined that you can do it without direct support from me.

This doesn't mean you'll be left on your own. As I build my practice, I'll be continuously adding resources for you to affordably do as much as you can, which will eventually include Group/Community Programs.

We'll continue to meet every 6-12 months to make sure your next chapter is going well and to keep you prepared for life's unexpected challenges.

1:1 Services Personalized For You


Comprehensive Lab Tests

Lifestyle Medicine - Nutrition, Exercise, Sleep, Time Management, etc.

Mind-Body Medicine

Stress Management


Botanical and Orthomolecular Medicine

Acupuncture & Cupping

Spinal Adjustments

Intravenous Therapy (Coming Soon)

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